Nøsen Yoga og Fjellhotell workshop
12.04.2022 - 14.04.2022
Indre uro, en portal til frihet og balanse med Bernard Bøhmer
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Workshop Nøsen
Yoga Retreat
07.01.2022 - 09.01.2022
Inner uneasiness, a Portal to Freedom and Balance with Bernard Bøhmer.
Read more here

Workshop Nøsen Yoga Resort
23.07.2022 - 25.07.2022
A Portal to Freedom and Balance with Bernard Bøhmer.
Read more her

Women's group April 2023
Sauna and sea bathing with women's group

Men's group
Sauna and sea bathing with men's group

Portal to Freedom
A men's group
"When life is difficult, uneasiness, unrest and disquiet become apparent if you acknowledge it. Most of us believe that the uneasiness is caused by something flawed. Either that we are flawed, our surroundings are – or both."
Read more about the course in August 2022 her

Nøsen Yoga Resort July 2022
This course aims to explore where in the body uneasiness becomes activated, so that we can use it as an entry point to our inner resources. Read more about the course in July 2022 here

Nøsen Yoga Festival 2022
Introducing The True Self Method at the Nøsen Yoga Festival.
Read more about the summer 2022 festival her

Nøsen Yoga Resort
Nøsen Yoga and Resort has created a place where you can come to strengthen your body and mind, unwind, immerse yourself in nature, and practice yoga amidst the breathtaking surroundings.
Here, we host courses and various events. To learn more, please read here
Workshop Osho Risk
09.08.2023 - 13.08.2023
From Unhappiness to Freedom
Topics: Breaking Patterns,
Meditation, Relationships
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Urometoden har åpnet døren til en verden jeg ikke visste eksisterte; en verden med ro og frihet, og med uendelig kjærlighet for det jeg en gang bevisst og ubevisst gjorde alt jeg kunne for å slippe å kjenne på.
Klem 🌸

For the first time, I feel an enormous satisfaction with life. I can now look at pain and sorrow with kindness, which I previously did everything to avoid.
The openness that the Uromethod has given me allows me to experience unconditional love and an acceptance that life happens entirely on its own. Finally, I am happily present, right here, right now.